Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brooklyn and Baby A

I got to go out with Brooke and her precious little one yesterday! We had so much fun! I took a few pictures of mommy while he got in a little nap, and when he woke up, he just kept laughing! Adorable! Here are a few from the shoot:

Friday, January 21, 2011


She has to be one of my favorite little ones to photograph! Brooke and Mitchell make pretty babies ;)

It's a little hard to get the "perfect" picture of her. Usually she's doing something totally adorable, and as soon as I get my camera up, she stops and looks at me with this blank stare! lol But I thought this turned out ok :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Making Progress!

I've finally got a few galleries up. Here and there, it came together. I've also got some prices up, let me know if you have questions! Also, I believe everybody should be able to have quality images to remember the special times in their lives, so if you can't afford what I have posted, let me know. We can always work something out.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

In Progress

This is something new I'm setting up, so please bear with me. Check back later for more content; this is going to be a slow project as we don't have internet access at home!
